
Good News! Ge-TS Now Accepts Payment by e-Cheque
Good News! Ge-TS Now Accepts Payment by e-Cheque
Good News! Ge-TS Now Accepts Payment by e-Cheque

e-Cheque is an electronic counterpart of paper cheque, which was developed by MKMA and the banking sector. Using e-Cheque is fast and safe, and brings you the following benefits:

No Need of Cheque Book
e-Cheuqe can be issued anytime anywhere through internet banking platform

No Need of Postage
e-Cheque is a PDF file which can be sent through email or other messaging platforms

No Need of Signature
Cheques will no longer be bounced due to mismatch of handwritten signature with the banks’ records

e-Cheque is digitally signed, even if it is intercepted in the transmission process, the payer will suffer no financial loss

If half of the paper cheques are replaced by e-Cheque, we save 1,800 trees.

To enquiry how to use e-Cheque, please contact your bank directly.
For more details about e-Cheque, please visit the HKMA website www.hkma.gov.hk.